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                         Alpha Journey.

On December 5th, 3 lovely Ladies decided to BRANCH out on their own and give the Greek world the true definition of sisterhood. They decided they would call themselves Alpha Xi Nu. Determined to make a safe haven for ladies to be able to be themselves. They did just that, they strived for greatness and that's what they produced a sorority, filled with love and passion. They knew it would not be easy had a few negative comments along the way but more positivity.

Motto: The strongest actions for a woman are to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those that never believed she could.


Creed:  I believe in Alpha Xi Nu. I believe that my sorority is more than just a name but it is the way of life. I will be a revere for my purpose. In the eyes of the world I will be admired for my womanhood and known as a woman of her attainments. As a sophisticated woman of Alpha Xi Nu, I will pursue my dreams and accomplish my goals without hesitation or doubt. I promise to value and possess high ideals of becoming my most authentic self. To Love myself unconditionally and my sisters of Alpha Xi Nu through imperfections.To Find beauty in art, friendships and in every aspect of life. To Know that I am capable of accomplishing anything that I put forth the effort to do. Lastly, I promise to fulfill all goals in an  immaculate manner to the best of my ability. 


Mission Statement: Alpha Xi Nu sorority was founded December 1, 2021, built on the foundation to encourage women empowerment, femininity, elegance and art. We are a modern, chic sisterhood joined together by powerful alpha women that share the love of Friendship and Sisterhood. The purpose of Alpha Xi Nu is to establish a genuine bond of friendship among members to develop a stronger womanly character. We strive for high standards and quality in every element of life. We believe in the beauty of art, exemplifying manners and creativity through every word and thought. We encourage women to have a free spirit and to be motivated by love and creativity. As sisters of Alpha Xi Nu  we strive to pursue everything with integrity, excellence and sophistication.


Principals: Honesty, Forgiveness, Compassion and Friendship


Numerals: X I XXII -Date Founded



Black: Sophistication, Power, Elegance

White: Integrity, purity and empowerment

Rose Pink (#f5bab1)- pink is the universal pink of universal love and unity. It is mature, feminine and intuitive. Accents: 

Gold (#d4af37)-known as the color of wealth, glamour and wisdom, 

Nude (#ddaea2)-known to be modern and sophisticated, represents elegance and modesty.

Mascot: Sun- symbolizes the supreme cosmic power – the life-force that enables all things to thrive and grow. 



Diamond: Light, invincible spiritual power

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